Every Girl Scout volunteer is truly extraordinary and deserves our heartfelt appreciation. Each year, there are many who shine even brighter, going above and beyond to make an exceptional impact. The recognitions listed are crafted to honor these exceptional individuals.
October 1: Nominations open for all GSUSA, GSOFCT, and Service Unit level recognitions.
March 1: Nominations close for GSUSA and GSOFCT recognitions.
June 1: Nominations close for Service Unit level recognitions.
A separate recognition notification form will be available from June 2 to September 30 to allow service units to report recognitions that were presented outside of the nomination window to GSOFCT so they can be added to the volunteer’s achievement records.
Complete the applicable nomination form below.
Please note that the Life Saving Award, Juliette Gordon Low World Friendship Medal, President's Award, Charter Oak Award, Membership Numerals, and Years of Service have their own forms.