A gift of appreciated securities or cryptocurrency that you have held for more than one year is frequently the most economical way to give. You will be eligible to take a federal income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock or cryptocurrency on the date of the gift for up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income and will not have to recognize the appreciation as capital gain.
Girl Scouts of Connecticut has partnered with The Giving Block to make gifts of securities and cryptocurrency seamless, as easy as donations of cash. To make an outright gift of stock or cryptocurrency, simply click on the widget below to get started. Donors are credited with the value of security or cryptocurrency when it is sold and provided appropriate charitable income tax deduction receipt.
The Giving Block is committed the environment. Click here for more information.
DTC Participant #: 2139 Agent Bank#: 12286
Institutional ID#: 12286
Account Name: Girl Scouts of Connecticut, Inc. IM
Account #: 272600443
Comments: Donor’s Name (if applicable)
Please have your broker write your name in the Comments section of their DTC form if you would like your name to be recognized for this donation.
Securities cannot be sold until the donor has been identified, which can impact the value of the gift. Additionally, the donor’s name and address are required for tax deduction gift acknowledgement. Please reach out to Mary Arconti Gregory, Chief Development Officer with any questions.